business 2030

Supporting Sustainable Development in SMEs

business 2030

Supporting Sustainable Development in SMEs


representing 99% of all businesses in the EU, SMEs are the backbone of Europe’s economy. SMEs are very diverse in terms of business models, size, age, and entrepreneurs’ profiles. They range from liberal professions and microenterprises in the services sector to middle-range industrial companies, from traditional crafts to high-tech start-ups.
The transformative impact for SMEs to embrace and drive sustainable development is on the rise. This shift is associated with long-term economic growth and minimal ecological damage. SMEs should carefully consider the social/environmental risks and threats to their long-term existence.

Although the environmental footprint of individual SMEs may be low, their aggregate impact is significant.
SMEs are deeply woven into Europe’s economic and social fabric. They provide two out of three jobs, bring training opportunities across regions and sectors, including for low-skilled workers, and support society’s welfare, including in remote and rural areas. Competitive sustainability is Europe’s guiding principle for the future. Achieving a climate neutral, resource efficient economy requires the full mobilisation of SMEs. For this, tailor-made measures are a prerequisite to develop a thriving SME layer of economy as well as to give opportunities for growth to those SMEs that wish to scale up.


representing 99% of all businesses in the EU, SMEs are the backbone of Europe’s economy. SMEs are very diverse in terms of business models, size, age, and entrepreneurs’ profiles. They range from liberal professions and microenterprises in the services sector to middle-range industrial companies, from traditional crafts to high-tech start-ups.
The transformative impact for SMEs to embrace and drive sustainable development is on the rise. This shift is associated with long-term economic growth and minimal ecological damage. SMEs should carefully consider the social/environmental risks and threats to their long-term existence. Although the environmental footprint of individual SMEs may be low, their aggregate impact is significant.
SMEs are deeply woven into Europe’s economic and social fabric. They provide two out of three jobs, bring training opportunities across regions and sectors, including for low-skilled workers, and support society’s welfare, including in remote and rural areas. Competitive sustainability is Europe’s guiding principle for the future. Achieving a climate neutral, resource efficient economy requires the full mobilisation of SMEs. For this, tailor-made measures are a prerequisite to develop a thriving SME layer of economy as well as to give opportunities for growth to those SMEs that wish to scale up.

the project

Helping SMEs in the Green Transition

following the assumption that organizations can be a force for positive change, the project aims to create a network of organizations interested in tackling sustainability issues and help SMEs in the green transition.
A third of SMEs report that they face complex issues when trying to make their business more resource efficient. Yet, as awareness of risks related to climate and other environmental pressures increases this transition to sustainable business practices and conduct is key for SMEs’ continued competitiveness and growth. It is vital to support SMEs in this process and equip them with instruments to understand environmental risks.

the project

Helping SMEs in the Green Transition

following the assumption that organizations can be a force for positive change, the project aims to create a network of organizations interested in tackling sustainability issues and help SMEs in the green transition.
A third of SMEs report that they face complex issues when trying to make their business more resource efficient. Yet, as awareness of risks related to climate and other environmental pressures increases this transition to sustainable business practices and conduct is key for SMEs’ continued competitiveness and growth. It is vital to support SMEs in this process and equip them with instruments to understand environmental risks.

specific objectives

Business2030 aims to upskill both the staff of SMEs and of the organizations providing support and training and at giving them the necessary skills and tools for guiding the sustainable transformation.


To develop professional skills of the staff of SMEs and of the organizations providing support to SMEs/BSOs, with a special focus on environmental sustainability


To support SMEs/BSOs in self-assessing their needs with regards to environmental sustainability and take action to reduce their impact


To increase capacity building of SMEs and BSOs and better address their staff needs and synergies with VET providers


To develop structured guidelines for involvement of SMEs and all stakeholders in their sustainability transition


To develop guidelines to support VET providers’ ecosystems and the way they engage with stakeholders and in particular the labour market actors


Create aware, sustainable and connected learning and working communities able to generate educational and business value and local growth through sustainable strategies

specific objectives

Business2030 aims to upskill both the staff of SMEs and of the organizations providing support and training and at giving them the necessary skills and tools for guiding the sustainable transformation.


To develop professional skills of the staff of SMEs and of the organizations providing support to SMEs/BSOs, with a special focus on environmental sustainability


To support SMEs/BSOs in self-assessing their needs with regards to environmental sustainability and take action to reduce their impact


To increase capacity building of SMEs and BSOs and better address their staff needs and synergies with VET providers


To develop structured guidelines for involvement of SMEs and all stakeholders in their sustainability transition


To develop guidelines to support VET providers’ ecosystems and the way they engage with stakeholders and in particular the labour market actors


Create aware, sustainable and connected learning and working communities able to generate educational and business value and local growth through sustainable strategies


To support organizations and SMEs facing demanding challenges and helping them shape new sustainable development paths, the Project plans to implement 3 results aimed at accelerating the transition.


Business 2030 Sustainability Self-Assessment Tool

The tool aims to help organizations determine their performance across the major areas of sustainability.


Business 2030 Online Toolkit for VET providers

It aims at providing VET providers and BSOs staff with efficient tools for supporting the green transitions of SMEs.


Business 2030 MOOC

It will allow for replicability of the course during the project and beyond its duration


To support organizations and SMEs facing demanding challenges and helping them shape new sustainable development paths, the Project plans to implement 4 results aimed at accelerating the transition.


Business 2030 Sustainability Self-Assessment Tool

The tool aims to help organizations determine their performance across the major areas of sustainability.


Business 2030 Online Toolkit for VET providers

It aims at providing VET providers and BSOs staff with efficient tools for supporting the green transitions of SMEs.


Business 2030 MOOC

It will allow for replicability of the course during the project and beyond its duration


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project: Business 2030 – Supporting sustainable development in SMEs

N° 2021-1-DK01-KA220-VET-000034741

People of 2050


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project: Business 2030 – Supporting sustainable development in SMEs


Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship